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How to Use Self-Closing Tags

In React, understanding how to properly use self-closing tags is essential for writing clean and efficient JSX code. Self-closing tags simplify your code by reducing verbosity and avoiding potential errors that can arise from unclosed tags.

What Are Self-Closing Tags?

In HTML and JSX, self-closing tags are tags that don't require a separate closing tag. These are typically used for elements that do not have any child content. Common examples include <img>, <br>, and <input> in HTML. In JSX, the syntax for these tags is slightly different but follows a similar logic.

Syntax of Self-Closing Tags in JSX

In JSX, all self-closing tags must include a forward slash / before the closing angle bracket. This small but important detail distinguishes JSX from regular HTML.

For example:

// HTML syntax (not valid in JSX)
<img src="image.jpg">

// JSX syntax
<img src="image.jpg" />

// HTML syntax (not valid in JSX)
<input type="text">

// JSX syntax
<input type="text" />

In JSX, omitting the forward slash, as seen in standard HTML, will result in a syntax error. Therefore, it's crucial to always include the / for self-closing tags in JSX.

When to Use Self-Closing Tags

You should use self-closing tags whenever the element does not need to contain any child content. Here are some common scenarios:

  • Images: When embedding an image using the <img> tag.
  • Line Breaks: Inserting a line break with the <br /> tag.
  • Inputs: Creating form elements like <input />, <textarea />, and <select />.

Example 1: Using Self-Closing Tags in a React Component

// Import React
import React from 'react';

// Define a simple component
const UserProfile = () => {
return (
{/* Self-closing tag for an image */}
<img src="profile.jpg" alt="User Profile" />

{/* Self-closing tag for an input field */}
<input type="text" placeholder="Enter your name" />

{/* Self-closing tag for a line break */}
<br />

{/* Regular tag for a paragraph with text content */}
<p>Hello, welcome to your profile!</p>

// Export the component
export default UserProfile;

In the example above, the img, input, and br elements are all self-closing tags because they do not contain any children.

Key Points to Remember

  1. Always use a forward slash / before the closing angle bracket in JSX for self-closing tags. This is necessary to avoid syntax errors.
  2. Self-closing tags are used for elements that do not have children. For elements that will contain text or other elements, always use the standard opening and closing tag pair.
  3. Readability and Consistency: Even though JSX allows you to use the standard closing tag syntax for elements without children (e.g., <div></div>), it's more readable and conventional to use self-closing tags when no children are present.

Example 2: Incorrect vs. Correct Use of Self-Closing Tags

// Incorrect JSX (this will throw an error)
const IncorrectComponent = () => {
return (
<img src="error.jpg"> {/* Missing self-closing slash */}
<input type="text"> {/* Missing self-closing slash */}

// Correct JSX
const CorrectComponent = () => {
return (
<img src="correct.jpg" />
<input type="text" />

In the "IncorrectComponent" example, omitting the / leads to errors. The "CorrectComponent" illustrates how to properly use self-closing tags in JSX.

Further Reading

  • JSX Syntax: To deepen your understanding of JSX, consider exploring more on JSX syntax and its nuances.
  • HTML vs. JSX: Investigate the differences between HTML and JSX to avoid common pitfalls.
  • React Components: Learn more about structuring and organizing React components efficiently.


Self-closing tags in JSX are essential for elements that do not contain children, such as <img />, <input />, and <br />. Remember to always include a forward slash before the closing angle bracket to adhere to JSX syntax rules. Using self-closing tags correctly leads to cleaner, more maintainable code in your React projects.